A school nurse, a health tech, or a health assistant will be on campus at Juarez 5 days per week during school hours. Office staff will address the needs of children at times when health office staff is unavailable. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE HEALTH OFFICE AS A THOROUGHFARE.
Frequently young children have “accidents.” If your child is at risk of this happening, please send extra underwear and clothing to school with him/her. If you have any children’s small-size clothing that you could donate, please send them to the health office.
When a Child Becomes Ill or Injured at School
Parents will be notified and requested to pick up the student at the Health Office in the event of an illness. In case parents cannot be contacted, the emergency number on the registration card will be called. You must keep the school informed of any change in your home address, phone number, or emergency information. If there is an emergency and no one can be reached, the office will contact our School Police department. If there is a 911 emergency, parents will be notified immediately after the 911 call is placed.
Any pupil who is required to take medication during the regular school day must bring it to the school office. Medication prescribed by a licensed physician, and requested by the parent, will be assisted by the school nurse or other designated personnel at school. Parents desiring medication at school for their child must submit a Physician’s Recommendation for Medication to the school, and must provide the medication marked as follows: (1) name of the pupil; (2) name of the prescribing physician; (3) an identification number of the prescription container; (4) name of the pharmacy; and (5) the amount of the medication to be taken and time or times of the specific situation in which it must be taken. No injection may be given at school except by a registered school nurse.
Children may not be given any kind of nonprescription medicine at school unless a physician’s statement so indicates on a written form to the school or the parent has indicated such on the “Health Information Consent” form (orange card that will be sent home).
While every effort is made to ensure students’ safety, injuries and accidents may occur. Minor injuries will be treated at school. In the event of a more serious injury, parents will be notified and requested to come to the school to pick up the child. Emergency names and contact information of those who are legally empowered to take charge of an injured child in the event the parent cannot be reached must be on file for each child.
Student Insurance is available at a minimal cost. You are strongly encouraged to avail yourselves of the economical student insurance, which is authorized by the Board of Education. Spreckels School does not provide accident insurance to students and is not responsible to its agents. Information about Student Insurance is included in the packet sent home on the first day of school or can be requested from the school office.
Accident Insurance
Accidents do occasionally happen at school. The district does not carry medical insurance for students; however, a voluntary student accident insurance program has been approved by the Board of Education. Insurance enrollment information will be sent home and is available in the school office.